Application for Membership

Please complete this form to express your desire to become a member of Trinity Church
Trinity exists to help people move from where they are to where God wants them to be

Our Core Values

Prayer - We value prayer as central to our faith journey.

Power - We value the life transforming power of God’s Spirit.

Great Commission - We value the command of Christ to "go into all the world and make disciples of all nations."

Worship - We value living a lifestyle of worship in all we do out of our love for God. 

Community - We value Christ’s command to love one another.

Scripture - We value the Bible as the living, active, written word of God.
Personal Info

Please select one option.

We value you as part of Trinity and we want everyone’s voice to be heard on all our congregational decisions. Thank you for your desire to become a member. Members have the right to vote at corporate meetings and the ability to hold leadership roles.

The membership application process is intended to ensure that you understand the church and help the church to understand you. We would love to talk to you, if at any point you have any questions or concerns.

Two elders will schedule an interview with you to complete the membership application process. During the interview, we will ask about your faith journey. If desired, you are welcome to write it out in advance.

Action Required
Please complete this Questionnaire and additionally familiarize yourself with the following material

Trinity Evangelical Missionary Church’s General Operating By-law Number 1

The Abuse Prevention Plan at Trinity Evangelical Missionary Church

The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada’s Articles of Faith and Practice
Click here to view the documents.

The history of Trinity’s beginnings, Upon This Rock (available from the church library or the office)
Faith Journey

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Spiritual Gifts


Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Action Required
Discovering Trinity is designed to explain what Trinity EMC is all about. Participation in Discovering Trinity is a prerequisite to becoming a church member.
Action Required
Please print and sign the Application for Membership Declaration and return it to an elder, pastor, or the office.
One Body, Many Members

Action Required
We believe that the Church is one body made of many members and in Christ we are equipped for works of service. Speaking the truth in love, supporting one another, as each part does its work, we are used by God to accomplish His will and help people move from where they are to where God wants them to be. While membership is not about service, it is always important to prayerfully reflect on what God is calling you to do.
In advance of your Membership Interview, please print and complete the "One Body, Many Members" form and then bring it with you to your interview.
Statement on Living a Consistent Christian Life

Action Required
Please review Trinity's Statement on Living a Consistent Christian Life. It is expressions of Trinity’s Core Values that members are expected to align with. These serve as standards by which we hold each other accountable in a spirit of love and gentleness.
Please select all that apply.


Please complete this form to express your desire to become a member of Trinity Church