Email Consent Confirmation

Please confirm what type of email you consent to receive. Optionally, you can also let us know your Date of Birth and if applicable your anniversary, so we can honour those dates.
Please confirm what type of emails you wish to receive from Trinity. Of course, you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Optional Date of Birth and Anniversary

We would like to be able to honour you with a special message on your birthday and if applicable your anniversary. If you are interested please let us know that information.

Note: if you pick the date for this year, you can then type in the year you want so you don't have click a whole bunch.


Please confirm what type of email you consent to receive. Optionally, you can also let us know your Date of Birth and if applicable your anniversary, so we can honour those dates.